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Psychedelic Integration ACIM Lesson 230 (August 18) – Embracing the Peace of God Within Us

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

A spirit guide delivering A Course in Miracles Lesson 230

Today we explore the profound message of A Course in Miracles Lesson 230: "Now will I seek and find the peace of God." This lesson calls on us to recognize the eternal peace that resides within us, reminding us that we were created in peace and remain in peace. Let's delve deeper into the insights this lesson offers.

The Creation in Peace

The lesson starts with a powerful statement about our origin: "In peace, I was created." It highlights the essence of our being, reminding us that we were created in peace, and this peace is an integral part of our true nature. We are encouraged to remember that we were created in peace and to embrace this peace as our inherent state.

The Unchanging Self

The lesson continues by emphasizing that we remain in peace. It is not given to us to change our true Self. Our true nature as peaceful beings remains constant and unchanging. Despite the turbulence and challenges of life, our true Self remains anchored in peace, and this peace is always accessible to us.

The Mercy of God

The lesson acknowledges the mercy of God, our Father, who, when He created us, gave us peace forever. This eternal peace is a testament to God's love and mercy, a gift that we carry within us always. We are encouraged to remember this gift of peace and to recognize it as our true state of being.

The Request to Be What We Are

The lesson concludes with a simple request: to be what we are. It invites us to embrace our true identity as peaceful beings, created in peace and remaining in peace. We ask to embody this peace, and the lesson assures us that this request cannot be denied, for it is forever true. We are invited to align ourselves with our true nature and to experience the peace that is always within us.

Integration of Psychedelic Experiences Through the Wisdom of Lesson 230

Journeys with psychedelics frequently lead explorers into the deep corridors of the self, revealing states of consciousness that can vary from utter serenity to dissonant chaos. The insights obtained from these journeys can be profound, yet often elusive when one returns to everyday consciousness. Lesson 230, with its emphasis on the eternal peace residing within us, offers invaluable guidance for individuals seeking to ground and integrate their psychedelic experiences.

Often, during a psychedelic experience, one may encounter feelings of boundless peace, an all-encompassing serenity that feels both novel and familiar. This sensation dovetails with the lesson's message of our creation in peace. When post-journey reflection leads one to recall moments of profound tranquillity, it can be seen as a reminder of our origin – a creation in peace. This innate state of peace, as identified by the lesson, provides a touchstone for interpreting the tranquil facets of a psychedelic journey.

However, it's not always serenity that dominates these experiences. Psychedelics may also unveil suppressed traumas, fears, and insecurities, leading to tumultuous emotional states. Yet, the lesson's emphasis on the unchanging self—that despite life's challenges, our essence remains in peace—can serve as a beacon during the stormier aspects of integration. Recognizing that beneath the temporary chaos lies an unshakable peace can provide comfort and clarity when navigating the more turbulent revelations of a psychedelic voyage.

Moreover, the lesson's acknowledgment of God's mercy, which bestowed upon us eternal peace, can further help in interpreting moments during a psychedelic journey when one feels embraced by an overwhelming sense of love, compassion, or grace. Recognizing these sensations as echoes of the divine mercy and love with which we were created can facilitate a deeper understanding and appreciation of these poignant moments.

Lastly, the invitation to "be what we are" is a profound call to action for those integrating psychedelic insights. These substances often strip away societal facades, revealing the core of our being. Embracing and embodying the revealed peace and other insights is vital for true integration. Recognizing these revelations as our inherent nature, and making an active choice to live in alignment with them, can lead to more fulfilling, authentic lives.

In sum, as one attempts to weave the profound realizations from a psychedelic experience into the fabric of their everyday life, the wisdom of Lesson 230 serves as a potent guide. It encourages acknowledgment of the intrinsic peace, offers solace during challenging integrations, and empowers individuals to live in resonance with their authentic, peaceful nature.

Recognizing the Peace of God Within

As we reflect on Lesson 230, let us embrace the profound understanding of our true nature as peaceful beings. By recognizing and acknowledging the peace within us, we align with our true Self and experience the peace that is our inherent state of being. Let us remember the mercy of God, who gave us peace forever, and embrace the peace that resides within us.


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