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The World Tarot Card: A Guide for Psychedelic Ceremony Preparation and Integration

Writer's picture: BillyBilly

World Tarot Card in a psychedelic art style

As we voyage through the intricate realm of tarot, the World serves as a compelling emblem of fulfillment, accomplishment, and integration. With the World, we are escorted on a journey brimming with the celebration of life's triumphs and the consummation of endeavors. This journey deepens when we learn to appreciate our accomplishments, acknowledge the wisdom we have gained, and recognize our place within the grander scheme of cosmic unity. The World is an ideal guide for the profound journey of a psychedelic ceremony, ushering us towards comprehensive self-understanding and universal connection.

Five Key Words to Describe the World

Defined by a myriad of attributes, five key words that impeccably encapsulate the essence of the World are: Completion, Integration, Accomplishment, Enlightenment, and Universal understanding. These words echo the inherent nature of the World, representing a spirit ready to rejoice in life's triumphs and embrace the unity of existence.

The Symbolism from the Images of the World in the Rider Waite Deck

Central Figure

In the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, the World card is represented by a central dancing figure, a woman floating in the sky, embodying the energy of joy, liberation, and unrestricted movement. This figure is often interpreted as the anima mundi, the world soul, that embraces all creation with passion and vitality. Her dance is a celebration of the world's wholeness, embodying the harmony and unity of all existence.


The figure is surrounded by a lush green wreath. This circular symbol embodies the notion of cycles, completion, and endlessness. The wreath signifies the successful conclusion of a journey or a quest. Its green color signifies growth, life, and renewal, indicating a successful transformation and the start of a new cycle.

Infinity Symbol

The red ribbons that bind the wreath form the symbol of infinity. This symbol is a reminder of the cyclical nature of life, signifying infinite potential and the boundless possibilities that exist in the universe. It underscores the idea that every end is but a new beginning, and personal growth is a perpetual journey.

Zodiac Symbols

Each corner of the World card features a figure representing one of the four fixed signs of the Zodiac. Taurus, symbolizing Earth, embodies reliability, practicality, and sensual pleasure. Leo, symbolizing Fire, represents passion, creativity, and joy. Scorpio, symbolizing Water, captures the essence of deep emotions, transformation, and healing. Finally, Aquarius, symbolizing Air, signifies intellectual insight, innovation, and human connection. Together, these figures encapsulate the combined wisdom of the elements and the cosmos, providing a balanced and holistic view of life's complexities.

Central Batons

The two batons that the dancing figure holds in each hand symbolize balance and evolution. They indicate a mastery over the material world and a balance between spiritual and earthly matters. Their presence implies the successful integration of all life's experiences.


The central figure is depicted as naked, symbolizing vulnerability, truth, and authenticity. This state of nakedness represents the ultimate truth and freedom achieved through the shedding of illusions, the embrace of authenticity, and the acceptance of the self in its most primal and natural form.

The Mandorla

The almond-shaped aureole or light around the central figure is called a mandorla, a symbol of the divine feminine, the gateway to life, and the sacred union of opposites. It stands for spiritual enlightenment and the transcendence achieved through the integration of dualities, further emphasizing the themes of unity and wholeness in the World card.

Position of the World Tarot Card

The World card features an exuberant figure in a celebratory dance, a poignant symbol of joy, liberation, and the jubilation of achieving one's goals. This figure, wrapped within a lush wreath, signifies accomplishment, completion, and the cyclical nature of life and experience.

The wreath itself, twisted in the form of the infinity symbol, denotes unending possibilities, perpetual evolution, and the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. This visual metaphor emphasizes the fulfillment of the soul's journey and the achievement of wholeness and harmony.

At every corner of the card, there lie the symbols of the four cardinal zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These fixed signs represent the essence of each element: Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Together, they signify stability, permanence, and the harmonious integration of diverse forces. They embody the combined wisdom of these elements and the stability achieved through their balanced interaction.

In its essence, the World card celebrates the joy of completion, the liberation that comes with accomplishment, and the balance and harmony achieved through the integration of diverse aspects of the self. It stands as a testament to the joy and fulfillment that awaits at the end of a significant journey.

Correspondences of the World Tarot Card

Zodiac sign: The World card embodies the fixed signs of the Zodiac: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Each of these signs is known for its stability, determination, and resistance to change - traits that reflect the World card's themes of accomplishment, culmination, and the established order. Taurus, an earth sign, contributes traits of practicality and dependability, reflecting the card's grounding influence. Leo, a fire sign, provides characteristics of passion, creativity, and expressiveness, mirroring the joy and fulfillment indicated by the World card. Scorpio, a water sign, adds a layer of transformative power and emotional depth, reinforcing the transformative journey that culminates in the World card. Lastly, Aquarius, an air sign, imparts qualities of originality, intellectualism, and humanitarianism, illustrating the higher consciousness achieved with the World card. The amalgamation of these fixed signs in relation to the World card symbolizes the ultimate balance, stability, and sense of wholeness one achieves at the end of a significant journey.

Planet: In celestial terms, the World card is connected to the planet Saturn. Known for its associations with discipline, time, and completion, Saturn's influence mirrors the World card's themes of finality and fulfillment. Saturn, as the taskmaster of the zodiac, represents the trials and lessons that we must undertake to grow and mature. Its placement in our natal chart often points to areas where we face challenges, but also where we can achieve great mastery. Similarly, the World card often appears when we've worked through significant challenges and are now reaching a point of completion or achievement. The connection with Saturn underscores the need for discipline, patience, and perseverance as we complete this phase of our journey.

Numerology: Numerologically, the World card aligns with the number 21. This number symbolizes the ultimate achievement, culmination of efforts, and the successful conclusion of a cycle. The number 21, when reduced (2+1), becomes 3, a number associated with creativity, growth, and the power of unification. The number 3 is also linked with the divine trinity, further highlighting themes of harmony, balance, and spiritual fulfillment. The numerological significance of the World card, therefore, reinforces the card's message of fulfillment, integration, and the successful completion of a cycle or journey.

Element: The World card resonates with the earth element. Earth is synonymous with grounding, practicality, and realization. It represents the tangible, material world and the fruition of our efforts. This ties directly to the World card's symbolism, which includes completion, accomplishment, and the realization of one's goals. The earth element also emphasizes stability and groundedness, traits necessary to build and maintain the achievements symbolized by the World card. This connection to the earth element underscores the World card's themes of fruition, manifestation, and the successful completion of one's journey.

Kabbalah: In Kabbalistic teachings, the World card corresponds to the path from Yesod (Foundation) to Malkuth (Kingdom). This path symbolizes the final stage of the divine energy's journey down the Tree of Life, where it manifests into the material world. This alignment with the World card signifies the end of a spiritual or life journey, the culmination of efforts, and the realization of goals. The path from Yesod to Malkuth also represents the final transformation where dreams (Yesod) become reality (Malkuth), reinforcing the World card's themes of achievement, manifestation, and fulfillment.

Chakras: In terms of chakras, the World card aligns with the crown chakra, or Sahasrara. Located at the top of the head, the crown chakra signifies spiritual unity, enlightenment, and the connection to the divine. When this chakra is balanced, we feel a sense of spiritual connection and alignment with the universe, similar to the sense of unity and fulfillment represented by the World card. The alignment with the crown chakra further emphasizes the World card's themes of spiritual enlightenment, the realization of one's higher purpose, and the sense of harmony and unity with the world around us.

Meditating on the World before a Psychedelic Ceremony

As we stand on the precipice of a transformative psychedelic journey, meditating on the World card can engender a deep sense of delight in our accomplishments and the knowledge we've gathered along our path. The World card, as the final card in the Major Arcana, signifies completion, fulfillment, and the successful integration of our learned experiences.

Take a moment to observe the World card closely. It depicts a joyous figure, dancing within a wreath, holding two wands in perfect balance. This figure embodies the fulfillment and jubilation that arises from achieving a hard-earned goal. The four figures in the corners represent the fixed signs of the Zodiac, symbolizing the harmony of the Universe. The wreath represents the cyclical nature of our journey, the union of beginnings and endings.

Now, immerse yourself within this celebratory scene. Visualize yourself stepping into the card, merging with the dancing figure. Feel the rhythm of the dance in your veins, the pulsating joy of achievement. Sense the weight of the two wands in your hands, symbolizing balance and control, the rewards of your perseverance.

Understand the significance of this moment, as you stand, not at the end, but at the peak of your journey, having gathered invaluable wisdom and experience. Recognize your victories, big or small, and let your heart fill with joy and gratitude. Celebrate your growth, the lessons learned, the battles won.

Simultaneously, prepare to embrace new challenges, ready to apply the wisdom gained from past experiences. The World card isn't just about acknowledging past successes, it's about carrying forward that wisdom, using it as a guiding light in our continuous journey.

As you embark on your psychedelic journey, let the World card serve as a reminder of your accomplishments, your capacity for growth, and your ability to successfully navigate life's complexities. It's a symbol of hope, a testament to the fact that every end marks a new beginning. Hold this visualization close to your heart, ready to embrace the wisdom and fulfillment that lies in the World card.

Integration of Wisdom from a Psychedelic Journey with the World Card

As you resurface from the immense depths of your psychedelic voyage, the World card appears as a representation of completion, unity, and spiritual enlightenment. This card beckons you to introspect on the enriching revelations you unearthed during your journey and motivates you to examine ways to weave the potent wisdom of the World card into the intricate web of your daily life.

Consider the World card as an emblem of the accomplished traveler within you, having completed a significant journey - one of self-discovery, personal growth, and heightened consciousness. It is a tangible reminder of your innate capacity to attain a sense of wholeness and balance, successfully integrating diverse life experiences to reach a state of completion. Reflect on this energy of accomplishment and unity, and imagine how you can manifest this enlightened sense of wholeness in your daily existence.

When the World card is used as a catalyst for introspective journaling or meditative reflection, it aids in the integration of the profound wisdom harvested from your psychedelic journey into your everyday consciousness. As you sit with this card and dive into your reflections, think about your personal milestones and how you've incorporated your inner wisdom and newfound insights into achieving these accomplishments. Reflect on how these qualities have shaped your journey and how they can continue to guide your daily experiences.

The World card also serves as a symbol of unity and interconnectedness, a reminder of our place in the larger scheme of existence. Contemplate your place in this universe, how you connect with others, and how these connections contribute to your sense of completeness. Consider how you can deepen this sense of unity in your everyday life, enriching it with a greater understanding of your interconnectedness with the world around you.

As you explore these themes and start to embody the World card's energy, you find yourself on a transformative path, combining the profound depths of your psychedelic journey with the practicalities of your daily life. This harmonious integration cultivates a fulfilled, balanced existence, reinforcing your consciousness with an enhanced sense of completion and universal unity.

Life Insights from the World Tarot Card

The World card, brimming with the energy of fulfillment and integration, conveys its profound wisdom across the spectrum of life's experiences. It encourages us to embrace the totality of our journey, appreciate our achievements, and celebrate our personal evolution.

Personal Growth

In our personal growth journey, the World card suggests a state of fulfillment and realization of our potential. It signifies a moment when we have explored various facets of our lives, learnt valuable lessons, and achieved a sense of wholeness. The World card invites us to embrace this sense of completion and to understand that every end heralds a new beginning.

Love and Relationships

In the context of love and relationships, the World card symbolizes a union that has stood the test of time and evolved. It denotes a relationship that has grown and matured over time, having gone through ups and downs and still standing strong. The World card reminds us to celebrate this achievement and to appreciate the harmony and deep understanding that has developed between partners.


When it comes to our professional journey, the World card signifies achievement and recognition. It implies a time when you are appreciated for your skills and contributions, and your career goals have been or are being fulfilled. The World card urges us to celebrate these achievements while also reminding us that success is a continuous journey, and there are always new horizons to explore.

Financial Matters

In financial matters, the World card denotes financial stability and achievement. It suggests a time when wise investments and careful financial planning have led to a comfortable and secure position. The World card urges us to appreciate this stability, but also to remain open to new opportunities for growth and expansion.


As a guide in parenting, the World card encourages us to appreciate each phase of our child's growth, seeing each as a complete cycle in itself. It invites us to celebrate their achievements, big and small, and to help them understand the value of perseverance and patience. The World card is a reminder to instill in our children a sense of responsibility and respect for the cycles of life, teaching them to honor endings as much as beginnings.

Overall, the World card stands as a symbol of the cyclical nature of life, achievement, and fulfillment. It urges us to appreciate the journeys we have completed while keeping our eyes open for new cycles about to begin.


The World, with its profound symbolism and comprehensive wisdom, serves as an enlightening guide before and after a psychedelic journey. The World embodies the essence of life's accomplishments, unity with the cosmos, and enlightenment. By meditating on the World card's various meanings, we can prepare for a psychedelic journey and integrate the wisdom gleaned from the experience, leading to a fuller understanding of our place in the universe.

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